Ancient Astrologer Suzanna

Practical, grounded application of the Symbolic language of the stars, using Ancient wisdom of the Archeypal images & stories playing out in our daily lives

What have we been moving towards with North node in Aries the past couple of years?

The north node (Rahu) amplifies a sign’s energy & traits, in this case it has been Aries-Mars the past couple of years. We tend to go too far & in excess here, as we have seen with increased themes of war & violence worldwide in 2023- 24.

The Martyr Archetype

Mars is associated with the Martyr archetype, and Mars is exalted in the sign of Saturn (Capricorn), where we feel we have a cross to bear in life. We endure ongoing frustration and suffering, and we just won’t simply put the cross down, carrying a heavy burden on our shoulders through life.

This culture has taught most of us to focus on ‘work’ and ‘doing’/productivity as a main focus of our lives, and as a measure of our worth or value.

We become a Martyr that only feels ok if we ensure we are always pushing to our limits (or past), forcing things, proving our worth to others, and we often feel guilt if we relax, rest, and do things just for pleasure and fun. We commonly feel like we must make ourselves suffer, and then we wear this like a badge of honour, comparing with one another how ‘busy’ we are, how much we ‘achieve’, juggle and suffer.

In this society we regularly act from guilt and obligation, telling ourselves we must suffer and sacrifice for others, we must maintain an image of strength, and believe we will be judged or rejected (or fail) if we set limits, boundaries, do less, and have more freedom and autonomy, through choosing our own version of wellbeing and happiness.

A Martyrdom culture of self sacrifice and our identity and worth tied to productivity/achievement, leads to chronic burnout and mental illness, as a result of not having time to feel our emotions and process grief in life. Our own feelings, intuition and spiritual health has to be avoided and ignored to maintain a work output and image, leading to a life not in line with our own values and desires, and so we are unfulfilled and not at peace within.

As a martyr we find it almost impossible to receive love, pleasure and to relax and have fun. When we don’t feel inherently ‘good enough’, and feel its hard to allow ourselves to just be, to heal, to play, receive support/care, pleasure, love and happiness, we end up living in automatic survival mode, lifeless, resentful, self righteous, blaming, hard, tense and loveless.

We need to see we aren’t a prisoner, a slave, a Saviour or a Warrior. We are free, we have autonomy, self agency, and choice, and we have more power within than we realize. We just need to release a lot of the fear, guilt, obligation and insecurity ruling our lives and choose ourselves, our peace, ease and wellbeing above all else.

We are allowed to be happy and peaceful. It is safe to open up to being vulnerable, soft, and to receive love and support. We no longer have to choose to keep suffering. There is another choice available.

With Mars currently in retrograde in Leo (then Cancer), it is time to put the cross down, to lay down our sword, to surrender and rest. For a feeling of wholeness and light heartedness we live as a human being, not a human doing. Your heart is the key and you can choose more peace. It is safe to heal. It is safe to be happy. It is safe to relax.

Aries energy, as we grow wiser, teaches us to use our hurt, anger, loss and rejection to get fired up, to take action, to get unstuck, to move the energy through in productive ways externally, to turn anger into power, strength and meaningful action.

We can become more of the wise Warrior archetype, one who embraces independence and new beginnings, advocating and fighting for ourselves and protecting others who are vulnerable or under threat.

An evolved Aries realizes that to only go inwards and remain stuck in our hurt, anger and pain is to become a victim, helpless, powerless, to self destruct, and to give away our agency. After releasing the tears and moving through the grief, we must get up, dust ourselves off and try again. The best revenge is our own moving toward success and happiness for ourselves in the present moment, and leaving behind those who don’t value and support us, so we can meet those who will.

We pave our own path and don’t become entangled in the wounds and problems of others, which usually has nothing to do with us at all. We don’t stay dwelling in the reasons why others treat us poorly, we assertively stand up to it, and get out when necessary. We know that other’s projections are not our business or responsibility, and we won’t put up with less than we deserve, we can let go and remain confident that we can move on to new environments, where we are shown the respect and care we desire and earn.

We use the pain and hurt to drive us in effective and productive ways. The energy is used to alchemize our lives, burning away the old, and making new memories and connections, rather than focusing on the past, and over focusing on feelings of disappointment. Frustration is transformed into developing new skills and trying out new ways of being.

The Emperor archetype is Aries/Mars that has developed intentionality, self awareness, self reflection and wisdom to have self control in passion and anger. The Emperor isn’t reactive and at the mercy of others behaviours and feelings, they have moved beyond impulsivity and avoidance. They can face themselves, their emotions, and integrate the lessons, to be able to grow, evolve and not repeat the same patterns going forward. They embody assertiveness, inner strength, autonomy, patience and maturity. They have more focus, direction, discernment, leadership and stability, alongside the passion, and zeal, which is a winning combination.

We eventually come to see that it is a blessing to lose certain attachments to people who couldn’t match our spirit of aliveness, and to then be able to find those who actually inspire, uplift and align with us.

We come to see that we were never going to be happy nor grow into our best selves around those who are cold, rejecting, selfish, negative, repressed, dull, envious and fearful. We are here to feel fully alive, to explore, to experience it all, and we come to see that any betrayals and bullies we encountered were all there to help us find strength and fulfilment within to bravely forge our own path, one of full responsibility over our own peace, happiness and success in life.

When we work with our own Mars energy (and our houses ruled by Aries and Scorpio) we can become truly empowered, no longer feeling at the mercy of others. We come to validate and approve of our own, independent choices and character, we no longer waste our time in the pettiness of others stories and projections. We have important work to do, purpose led, meaningful and values based actions, that drive our lives in a Spirit-soul direction of overall wellbeing, materially and spiritually.