Virgo Rising sign & Sun
Currently you are going through a review of your friends, groups, networks and dreams/goals, with Mars retrograde in your 11th house, ruled by Cancer. Your emotions may have felt a bit sensitive, tender or heated, with reflection also on Mars themes such as conflict or competition. Mars is about to go direct again Feb 23rd, so this will put in place some changes or smoother sailing in these topics again. Cancer, the moon’s ruler can also be to do with our comfort zone and attachment to the familiar, there may have been some fated opportunities to reassess friendships and make new choices or changes.
The next few months and this year in general are really big for you, with the nodes of the moon (the South Node) now in your sign, bringing eclipses into your 1st house of self, and 7th house of close relationships, or marriage/partner. A South Node Lunar Eclipse occurs in Virgo, your 1st house of the self/soul, body on March 14th. This may highlight a health matter, your spirituality, or a soul calling. Any repressed emotions could arise with some helpful information around changes of direction that you desire in life.
Mercury and Venus is soon retrograding in your 8th and 7th houses, which is very personal and significant for you and your close relationships. March 2nd Venus will retrograde in your 8th house of energy exchanges, shared resources, partner’s resources, debts/taxes, inheritance, and deep energetic entanglements. This means a review or reversal around intimacy, sex, shared resources, energy exchange in relationships (or your partner’s resources) or karmic contracts.
Mercury, your chart ruler, will also join Venus in the retrograde in the 8th house, further highlighting reflection, or revisiting the past around this life area, especially in terms of communication, thinking, technology, travel or planning. For example, a partner may have a decrease in income, increased bills, or decides to buy a new car (reducing their available spending money). This could also mean you have fated opportunities to get more in touch with your intuition and the effect of others energy on your own (better boundaries around your energy maybe required).
March 27th til April 12th Venus retrogrades into your 7th house of love, marriage/partner and close relationships, bringing review and change here around sensuality, values, personal desires, pleasure for you and/or your partner. For some, you may revisit a past connection or reconnect with an old friend. Changes can occur and for some perhaps even a scandal, venus retrograde can be unconventional, it will shake up anything that needs realignment. March 29th til April 7th Mercury retrogrades into Pisces too, placing more focus on relationship reviews, delays or past connections, especially in terms of communication. Make some time to pay attention to these personal life areas during this time to tune into the fated messages, then you can feel clearer and make decisions after the retrogrades.
March 29th there is also an Aries Solar Eclipse in your 8th house, which is likely a fated ending and new beginning here, such an energetic exchange that is no longer aligned or serving your best interests, or a karmic entanglement that has run its course. Saturn will transit out of your 7th house, into your 8th house/Aries from May 24th. You may have felt isolated or restricted in terms of love (or intimacy) over the past couple of years, or there could have been some difficult challenges or lessons here. Saturn into Aries may reward you with better energetic boundaries. You may become more serious, wise and mature around sharing/giving resources, there maybe a karmic contract, or a partner’s income may be restricted. Neptune will also be moving into Aries, emphasising sensitivity to other’s energy and a time for spiritual connection and guidance (meditation, prayer etc will be helpful). Get clear on your limitations and deeper emotional needs.
Expansive planet Jupiter moves into Cancer, June 9th, which rules your 11th house of friends, groups and goal/dreams. You will likely have some good fortune with this one year transit, where you can move more easily towards a dream or goal, and connect with positive, supportive and wise people that are a helpful blessing in your life.
Finally, there are two eclipses in September, a North Node Total Lunar Eclipse in Pisces, in your love zone, which could highlight fated lessons in your love emotional connections, a fated connection, or some significant changes in your close relationships (or changes for a partner/someone close to you). A Solar Eclipse also occurs in Virgo, which highlights a major cycle closing for you, and a fated new beginning. This will tune you into your connection to Spirit and align you back onto your unique soul path if you have strayed, trust this process, and these significant changes often occur over a longer period, around 6 months.
With the South Node in Virgo, you maybe going through a process of releasing overthinking, perfectionism and control in life, and learning to trust in a Higher Power, flow with life, and accept and honour your feelings, the heart. Spiritual study and practise will be beneficial in supporting you in this healing process, one of surrender and being open to how life unfolds for your soul growth and fulfilment. This can mean different things for all of us, it could be quiet walks in nature, yoga, or loving a pet.