Ancient Astrologer Suzanna

Practical, grounded application of the Symbolic language of the stars, using Ancient wisdom of the Archeypal images & stories playing out in our daily lives


Sagittarius Rising Sign & Sun

The start of the year involves a review, reversal or fated changes with Mars retrograde in Cancer in your 8th house. You may have had to support someone close to you, with your time, energy or resources, or you may have made changes to the level of energy exchange with close, personal or karmic connections. Your partner’s resources may have diminished, or they have been unable to provide as much support as usual. You may have had to break free from a karmic contract due to its harmful effects. Things should improve here from February 23rd when Mars finally turns direct in Cancer. You also may have had opportunities to explore your deep emotional world, childhood traumas, fears or family wounds within this sensitive sign (ruler of the mother/family) in the deep 8th house.

You could be learning lessons around how to protect your energy, become more autonomous with your emotions, or how to balance the exchange of give and take with others (on various levels). Stress levels, anxiety, or other’s problems may have been pushing you to a point of needing to detach more from other’s energy, rather than feeling responsibility for other’s happiness. Spending, taxes, debts or inheritances could be in focus currently also.

In March, a South Node Lunar Eclipse takes place in Virgo, your 10th house of career, business, roles and public reputation. Some changes are taking place in how you show up in the world in the public eye, or some changes in career, or how you relate to authority figures. A releasing and spiritual growth is occurring here around Virgo/Mercurial themes, such as the desire to control, perfectionism, anxiety, rigidity, negativity, or a lack of self esteem. The North Node in Pisces is asking of us to relax, flow more with life, live more from an open heart and to be vulnerable with our feelings to connect more deeply in a warm, soft and personal way.

March 29th we also have an Aries Solar Eclipse, highlighting a fated ending and new beginning in your 5th house of romance, fun, children and creativity. A new chapter or major change could be occurring in your children’s lives, or there may be a new cycle beginning in the relationship with your children. A new cycle could begin in love (a fated new connection perhaps), or in how you experience fun, or a creative hobby.

March, leading up to the Solar Eclipse is a very interesting time, with both Venus and Mercury going retrograde in Aries (and partly in Pisces too), bringing a connection between this fated cycle closing and a new cycle beginning, with the reviews and reversals in this life area. March 2nd til April 12th, there will be some reflection, review and fated redirections in your relationships (or sensuality, pleasure, desires, style) in romance, fun or creativity (or children) with Venus retrograding here (5th house). There will also be some review, reflection and changes in your 4th house of home, family and ancestral roots (Pisces). Mercury will join Venus retrograding through these two houses from March 15th til April 7th, which can bring delays, communication struggles, technology or travel issues. It is a good time for planning and researching, making improvement in these areas and slowing down to avoid stress or frustration. You could reconnect with a past lover, reconnect with your children, or get back in touch with some family again. You could also reflect on your childhood and family origins, doing some research here or healing some inherited patterns.

Saturn will be moving from Pisces into Aries on May 24th, a two and a half year transit beginning in your 5th house (romance, children, creativity, fun). There may be some challenges, limitations or restrictions here, such as a time where you feel more isolated from children, or having less opportunities for romance, fun and play. It can also represent a time where your children are experiencing a hard time (more directly than yourself). There may be more responsibility required in this life area. Saturn can bring delays, and rewards for hard work, perseverance and acceptance (for example if there is a creative hobby you are wishing to explore or master). For some, a romantic partner could be a serious, authoritative or detached person.

Expansive Jupiter will also move from Gemini, where it has spent a year in your 7th house of close personal relationships, love, marriage/partner, into its exalted sign Cancer, your 8th house. You perhaps had more focus on close connection with others, a busy or positive time for close, one on one connections the past year, a wise or positive influence in your personal life, or you fell in love. June 9th, Jupiter enters your 8th house, where there could be an increase in your partner’s income/resources, an inheritance, or paying off some debts. This could also bring some improvement to energy exchange with others, your sex life, or to close emotional connections. You could either be giving or receiving more support in a close relationship during this time.

In September, eclipses occur in Pisces and Virgo, where fated changes are leading to realignments in your home, family, parents, ancestral karma (4th house Pisces) and in your public roles, reputation or career (10th house), which can take place over a longer six month period. The North Node Pisces Lunar eclipse in your 4th house on September 8th, will highlight any deep emotional attachments to family, parents (or the past), or inherited patterns/family karma, through fated opportunities for change and realignment back to the soul path (which for you involves developing spiritual wisdom and being a free spirit). Pisces is also ruled by Jupiter, your chart ruler, and so this is personal to you and your soul/temperament, body and health too. You maybe going through more growth, expansion and learning overall, especially emotionally, with the North Node increasing Pisces/Jupiter themes. This deep exploration of your inner self could be positive for your health and soul fulfilment.

A Virgo Solar Eclipse occurs September 22nd, with the South Node, bringing significant change into your 10th house, career etc. A fated realignment could occur, with an ending and new beginning of a cycle in this life area (career, public role or reputation). The South Node is a spiritual growth area which is positive for our deepest peace in life, so a releasing may occur here. You maybe being directed away from career to focus more on home, family and your inner world for greater balance spiritually.

Finally, Pluto has begun a new, long 20 year cycle in Aquarius, your 3rd house of local environment/community, the mind and siblings (and study, short travel). The way you think, your surroundings and interactions, or your local movements (short trips) could be transforming over this extended period. This can also refer to siblings/cousins who could be going through major growth phases in their life, which change them to the core (marriage, parenthood etc). You maybe studying more psychology, astrology or other divinatory methods, and becoming a lot more self aware around your thought patterns, surroundings and habits. Pluto reveals the truth of things beneath the surface, which brings the ‘Gold’, although we also make a sacrifice to obtain this wealth in this life area (we may need to make changes in how we think, act and interact within our community/local area).

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