Ancient Astrologer Suzanna

Practical, grounded application of the Symbolic language of the stars, using Ancient wisdom of the Archeypal images & stories playing out in our daily lives

Sagittarius; ‘God like’ player of the Zodiac or Wise Wizard…

December 2024, Mercury goes direct

A little late getting around to my Sagittarius post! So much has been going on astrologically since the Sag new moon!

Today the Sun in sexy Sagittarius opposes the full moon in witty Gemini 🌕

Sagittarius, is the masculine fire sign ruled by Jupiter/Zeus; ‘the light of heaven’.

It’s very hard to pin a Sagittarius down or to tame their free spirit for adventure and lust!

In life where yin and yang, dark and light, are always in relationship, and can never be separated, whatever goes toward extreme light, must turn back into darkness. The two energies always moving towards a balance.

Sagittarius, although very vital, energetic, powerful, optimistic and wise, is not a God, and has the wound of the animal, part human pain and suffering, somewhat depicted in the Centaur, half human, half animal. 

Sagittarius comes to realise they cannot transcend their feminine side, that of having human needs, wounds, sadness and weakness while living (at least in part) as a mortal. 

The manic efforts to try to endlessly maintain and share heightened levels of joy, wisdom, enthusiasm and optimism, only amplify the intense darkness within eventually, and it is in ones best interest to face and accept the inevitable pain of being so strong and aware in a suffering world.

When Sagittarius does find more balance in facing the boring, mundane and painful aspects of the body, life and relationships, finding the sacred and higher meaning in it all, they can come to be the wise wizard, a source of light and guidance to others, accepting their own human needs for a commitment (marriage or other type) in the material world, that fulfils their yin/feminine side.

Spiritual bypassing and avoidance just leads to intensified suffering and wounding in the end.

The dark depression or wound underneath the strong, happy persona, when truly faced and accepted, becomes an ongoing incentive to keep reaching for higher meaning, to stay towards the light, in a more authentic and grounded way, truly then able to be a wise teacher a guide to all.

We have all been contemplating these themes in our own selves and lives lately, with Mercury Rx in Sag opposite Jupiter and square Saturn. Both planets are in their sign of detriment, however the mutual reception is assisting them with their reflections and meaning making. Things will move forward in a new way when Mercury (now direct in Sag) opposes Jupiter Rx one last time on the 26th of December.

Due to this revision of Jupiterian and Mercurial themes and topics in their opposite signs, we may find we are more nuanced in our thinking, refreshed in our beliefs, and able to make space in our minds and hearts for the paradox and duality that exist in this complex life, with other fallible humans, who are for the most part all trying their best to navigate the fated soul path, designated to them.

One response to “Sagittarius; ‘God like’ player of the Zodiac or Wise Wizard…”

  1. Suzanna Avatar

    (* 4th December Mercury Rx in Sag opposed Jupiter Rx in Gemini @16 deg. Mercury direct will then oppose Jupiter Rx once again in late December, where we will move forward or find clarity in a matter we reviewed or reworked during the retrograde (which could be something external, or internal).