Gemini Rising & Sun sign
We just recently had a long Mars retrograde in Cancer, reviewing themes around home, family, roots, security, home, (Cancer) and conflict, energy, desire, action and drive (Mars). There were also fated opportunities for growth in these areas, all of which occurred in your 2nd house of energy, resources, finances, skills and possessions. For you this likely had some impact on your income, finances and spending. There may have been some extra expenses, losses, energy output or support that you were asked to give outwardly. In the sign of the mother/moon/Cancer this could perhaps have been support/energy/finances that was required from you to give to family or mother. You may have made some big purchases, obtaining new possessions such as a car.
We are now beginning Venus retrograde in Aries, in your 11th house or friends, groups, networks, rewards and long term goals/dreams. Your chart ruler Mercury, now just entered Aries, will also join Venus in her retrograde here March 15th. There is likely some connection with these retrograde themes and this life area, with the Virgo full moon Lunar eclipse (in Mercury’s other sign) on March 14th (with the south node). Virgo is significant to you, it rules home, family, family karma and ancestral roots for you (the 4th house). In March you are reviewing, revisiting, changing direction and reconnecting with old friends, groups, networks or reviving past dreams and long term goals. This could also highlight some old, unconscious patterns related to home and family (conditioning or family karma perhaps), or some other significant change in your home and living situation (with the south node Lunar eclipse March 14th). The south node is a release point and a spiritual focus. You maybe letting go of some family pain of the past for spiritual healing over the next 6 months.
We also have a final Solar Eclipse in Aries March 29th, where significant changes, an ending and a new beginning (and fated events or connections) will occur in your friends, groups or goals. This shift takes place over 6 months, or sometimes more suddenly. Mercury and Venus then retrograde back into Pisces at the end of March, your 10H of career and public image. A review, revision, delays, reconnection and redoing of things can occur in your career or reputation, (or could relate to a boss or authority figure going through changes). You will then implement changes and a new direction from April 13th, when both Venus and Mercury will have turned direct again (symbolising forward movement again, an end to delays). Style, aesthetic, harmony and preferences could be a theme here with Venus, so you might change your image and relating style to become more pleasing and attractive. Past people can return to your life or make contact, perhaps an old friend or work colleague, maybe even a past romantic interest.
Pluto has begun a long 20 year journey through fellow air sign Aquarius, in your 9th house of higher education/learning, beliefs, spirituality and overseas travel. This is a long process of completely restructuring your world view, spiritual beliefs, and/or major changes to overseas travel or higher education. This will be a great time to study psychology, spirituality, astrology, or any other serious, longer education/study such as a university degree. You can become more authentic, healed and empowered with Pluto in a helpful trine aspect with you personally (your 1st house of self). This isn’t easy of course and takes time and ongoing efforts. Shadow work is a process of honestly delving deep into ourselves, into our fears, challenges, thinking, habits and wounds. This requires a lot of patience, perseverance, bravery and self compassion, but the rewards are pure gold, a newfound strength, authenticity and more aligned, fulfilling, soulful life.
A few more major changes are taking place this year with large, slow planets changing signs. Jupiter will move out of your sign Gemini into Cancer, after a year of expansion, good fortune and learning personally for you. Jupiter moving into your 2nd house on June 9th will likely be very positive for your income and finances. This one year transit may point to an increase your money, possessions, energy, skills, or even resources/energy/support from another person.
Neptune and Saturn are also moving into Aries, your area of friends and goals from late March (Saturn from May 24th). This is a significant change in these topics. Neptune is flowing, dissolving, and Saturn is concrete, restrictive, and mature. There could be a bit of uncertainty around connections with friends or groups, be mindful of fantasy and deception. There can also be some challenges, karma, isolation, restriction or endings for a few years with Saturn. Saturn can also represent wise, mature or older friends. Times of isolation and endings can take us towards higher meaning, spiritual exploration, and make way for better, more supportive connections in the future. Acceptance, strong boundaries and letting go of illusions will help in these life areas.
In September, we will have more eclipses, a North Node Lunar Eclipse in Pisces in your 9th house, highlighting shifts and changes in higher beliefs (or spirituality, study, travel), and a partial Solar Eclipse in Virgo, your home/family. A South Node Solar Eclipse can be a significant shift, ending and beginning in themes of home or family, or for a parent/family member (sometimes a major event, such as a wedding or birth occurs in the family, rather than directly applying to you, some could move house though). Its a big time of change overall this year, and a call to connect to soul and Spirit, whatever that means personally for you. Take the time and space to connect inwardly daily to find what feels in alignment for you. Retrogrades and eclipses ask of us to slow down, be mindful, to be more consciously aware, to find grace for self and others, and to be more intentional with our speech and actions. Finding simplicity, surrender and remaining grounded are key.
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