You could say I am very true to my Taurus rising, Aquarius sun, Sagittarius birth chart!
I grew up on the land, in rural Australia, in a big family, with five brothers. We had cattle, sheep, pigs, chickens, a big veggie garden and plenty of space to roam, or ride on motorbikes.
I have always had a little interest in Astrology since I was a child, although being a very logical person, I found the sun sign astrology in magazines to be too simplistic and lacking in rationale.
I began my career as a Physiotherapist and did some further studies in Psychology. I later then became qualified in Mindfulness teaching, and Yoga in 2012, after committing to yoga and Zen daily in my own life. I also began delving further into shadow work, personality types and Archetypes in 2018.
This led me to become deeply fascinated in Astrology, especially when I had the time to study it in great depth when I was off work with a shoulder injury in 2018. In 2022 I decided that Ancient Astrology was the most accurate in my observations and so I studied and obtained my certification with Adam Elenbaas through Nightlight Astrology.
The past few years I have been living and breathing this symbolic language every day (and night), some would call it an obsession I suppose! In neurodivergent terms we say ‘special interest’. I have read many charts for family, friends, clients and written my own delineations of actors, singers and prominent figure’s charts, all of which provides me the daily evidence that this simple, whole sign technique has incredible accuracy and practical application. I have seen that the transits consistently occur in my own chart house topics to the day, including moon transits each day, and so I am able to make very fast delineations or predictions from a minute or two looking at a chart.
Due to my prior knowledge of personality types and my very observant and curious nature, I also have a knack for being able to find the rising sign (Ascendant sign) without a birth time (and then I work through the chart to confirm my finding, checking the houses, planets and transits). For example a few years ago I guessed my Mother’s chart to be Leo rising, and my father’s Aquarius rising. This has continued to show full accuracy with each planetary transit through their houses.
(Synastry: my father’s Sun in her 7th house of marriage partner. My mother’s ascendant and Pluto in father’s 7th house.
They also have sun/moon conjunction Gemini. Jupiter ruling my Mum’s 5th house of children, she has 6 children etc.)
*Taurus 1st house represents the soul, temperament, character, the self. Due to this simple upbringing, on a farm, with stoic hard working parents, I came to value these grounded traits, I like a slow, peaceful lifestyle, connected to nature and to my own embodied presence. I’m straight forward and practical. I also like dance, baking and playing guitar.
*Aquarius sun: we can see why I am starting to commit fully to my Astrological career now as Pluto has conjoined my natal sun at 0 degrees. Venus Rx, my chart ruler is also at 1 degrees.
*My Sag moon has reflected my need for ongoing learning, study, exploration, a spiritual focus, and a very philosophical nature.
Keep up to date with my regular posts explaining the deeper meaning of each of the upcoming transits, and how to work with them in simple, practical ways in daily life.