Ancient Astrologer Suzanna

Practical, grounded application of the Symbolic language of the stars, using Ancient wisdom of the Archeypal images & stories playing out in our daily lives

Astrological Transits for first half of 2025.

There is certainly a lot going on astrologically between now and mid 2025!

A lot of big changes, especially with the nodes of the moon moving into Pisces/Jupiter and Virgo/Mercury in January.

 This marks the beginning of fated changes occurring with eclipses in these signs over the next couple of years or so.

I’m hoping and predicting that the north node/Rahu moving out of Aries/Mars decreases war, violence, and conflicts. We still will have a partial solar eclipse in Aries on 29th March, so I think it would be from then onwards that excessive Mars themes could ease.

A lot of reversals, reflection, and revisiting Mars and Venus (and Mercury) themes (and fated occurrences), with retrogrades happening in Cancer, Aries and Pisces, January through til April.

Some big transits and new life area focus beginning for us all when Saturn moves into Aries May 24th and Jupiter moves into Cancer on June 9th.

It’s a slower, more reflective start to the year, with fate and destiny taking the wheel, realigning us back to our true unique soul path (if we have wandered off track a bit). 

Those who practise acceptance, flowing with Tao/life/Spirit, and developing mindful presence will find this period much easier and can likely expect some positive change in fortune.

It’s looking positive overall with the north node in Jupiter’s sign (and Venus’ exaltation). We will just need to make sure we don’t overindulge in pleasure, romance, and other material world matters (yin/feminine sign). Aries transit will help us to remain assertive and independent. Pluto also bringing in a balance of air, objectivity and mature, authentic communication.

With Mars currently retrograde in Leo (and soon into Cancer) we are being asked to slow down, get grounded and take more disciplined action towards our truest ideas, beliefs and goals for the future.

This can feel really hard, with so many around us living busy lives, so many distractions, overstimulated minds, readily available dopamine hits, and all sorts of other temptations.

Only those who get serious, focus, find more autonomy, and develop the discipline and consistency, will hold the valuable rewards of material success in time (in whatever form, good health, fitness, a tidy home, joy and beauty in garden/nature, finances, and other creative expression).

This card makes me think of Saturn’s current influence (opportunity) over the ways we over consume, overindulge, talk too much, overthink, do too many things, or going to extremes (Saturn Pisces square Jupiter Gemini).

We know that we can’t feel good about our lives or ourselves until we keep small promises to ourselves in the ways we wish to change our habits for the better (bringing the results we desire). 

We aren’t entitled to happiness and success. We have to do the ongoing work.