Cancer Rising & Sun sign
You have a significant start to the year, with Mars retrograde occurring in your sign, your 1st house of the self/soul/body (January 6th til Feb23rd). Mars will then go direct in Cancer until April 18th. This means that you are currently focusing on yourself in relation to Mars themes of energy, action, independence, anger, conflict and desire. There could be fated situations and connections that are here to highlight or trigger personal wounds for greater self awareness and healing. You may need to take a little extra care with health and avoid any kind of harm (be mindful of anger, conflicts, emotional dysregulation, and also cautious of things like injury, burns or accidents). Nothing to worry about, just know that Mars is getting up close and personal right now and if we act unconsciously or impulsively we could face issues. If you were born in the day, this time could be a bit more intense. Its a good time to look into shadow work (looking at any of the ways you repress, avoid, or project your less desirable traits, from a place of fear, shame or ego, to be able to take accountability and choose healthier forms of relating). We all have ongoing work to do to improve our relationships and emotional maturity regardless of our sign!
Venus and Mercury retrograde in your 10th house Aries (and then Pisces) in March and early April, bringing reflection, review and reconnections into your career or public image/role. Both planets also retrograde into your 9th house of beliefs, higher education, spirituality and overseas travel, so you maybe reflecting and revisiting these themes or studies/education. You have a big focus on the 10th house Aries this year, your public image, role, reputation and career. A final Aries Solar eclipse will take place here March 29th, where you will likely face changes, such as an ending and new beginning in your career, after some of the reversals, learning and fated redirections of the retrogrades. A new public role of another kind can apply, for those not focused on work, such as becoming a parent, grandparent or some other change to your public persona.
Saturn later moves into Aries May 24th, bringing serious, hard work, discipline, maturity, responsibility and long term goals into focus (in career or public image). If you were born at night this could be more challenging, there could be a loss of work, job situation, or you may have less visibility or popularity in your public life. Saturn rewards focus, perseverance, and spiritual practise/values, so break goals up into small, realistic, and practical steps that you can consistently work towards. Saturn could also refer to an authority figure that comes into focus (and in the sign of Aries this could ask of you to assert your own needs and to work on strong boundaries, protecting your limits and emotional wellbeing). Spiritual study, practise and prayer can be very beneficial at this time.
A South Node Lunar Eclipse occurs in Virgo March 14th, bringing focus to your 3rd house of local community, siblings, short travel and the mind. Shifts, changes or fated events/connections will likely occur in this life area (some endings, releasing, diminishing here more likely with the south node). This could highlight something for a sibling or neighbour more directly than for yourself.
Pluto has entered your 8th house of deep connections, debts, inheritances and energy/resources exchanges. This is a long 20 year cycle where your energy exchanges with others (or your partner’s resources) is going under renewal and regeneration. You maybe learning better boundaries, how to protect your energy, your partner may come into more wealth, or you could receive an inheritance. The 8th house can be very challenging at times, with karmic/soul contracts that we have with others. Some endings here could lead to positive new connections or exchanges though. It can be really beneficial to do shadow work, meditation, prayer and learn psychology/relationship skills to overcome codependency issues, and tap into spiritual support. This is a slower transit and will come into focus more during Aquarius transits (or when Pluto conjoins any of your placements in the sign).
Jupiter, the planet of expansion and good fortune, moves into your sign June 9th. This can bring healing, wisdom and support to any challenges or lessons that Mars retrograde highlighted here in Jan/Feb. You also may need to be mindful to not overindulge on too many of the good things in life for the next year. Jupiter can also represent a wise, uplifting and supportive connection coming into our life too. Its a good time to broaden your horizons, open your mind, explore your beliefs, study spiritual sciences or learn/study in general (especially related to self awareness). Any health issues can see an improvement, and its a good time to enjoy more fun, travel and connection with others.
In September eclipses occur in Pisces and Virgo. A North Node total Lunar Eclipse occurs in your 9th house of spirituality and higher beliefs Sept 7th, bringing focus here in fellow water sign Pisces. Destiny will be asking you to come into soul alignment here, for greater emotional and spiritual balance (also to ensure you are remaining grounded here). September 21st a South Node Solar eclipse brings an ending and new beginning/cycle in your 3rd house of local environment, siblings, learning or short trips. You maybe settling down a bit, moving around less, or a sibling could be going through a major change/shift. Fated connections in the local community could take you towards more spiritual awareness with the south node (or the past could be highlighted also).
After a tender and sensitive start, the year could improve overall with an exalted Jupiter moving into your sign mid year, and eclipses in fellow yin/feminine signs (in a more smooth alignment with your sign Cancer. Study, spirituality, learning and short or long travel could come more into focus for you, helping you to bring the focus back to yourself in a positive and nourishing way.