Scorpio Rising/ASC & Sun.
Its a big time for Scorpio, where the Divine has taken over the wheel recently, for Mars ruled signs, with Mars retrograde occurring currently in Leo, and then retrogrades into Cancer (Mars’ fall) January 6th. This is a spiritually aligned redirection back towards all that is destined for your unique soul path (and away from that which is from ego, lower vibration, or things/people not truly meant for you). This can feel quite destabilising, scary and uncertain, a time to let go of control, go with the flow, trusting in this realignment process, having faith in a higher power. Going within, self reflection, shadow work, spiritual practice and prayer will be very beneficial during this time (and especially until Mars goes direct on February 23rd).
There is actually a lot going on in relation to Mars in March and April, with Venus retrograde, mercury retrograde and a Solar eclipse in all occurring in Mars ruled Aries. This is significant for you too, as the other traditionally Mars ruled sign. These reviews, reconnections and fated events will occur in your 6th house of daily work, routines, health and pets. You may focus on a health challenge or habit, for investigation and healing, or possibly revisit a challenge or conflict in general. An ending and a new beginning in this life area is likely (which can be positive in terms of a health issue).
Saturn moves into Aries, your 6th house in late May too. This can bring more discipline, long term dedication, and maturity in daily routines, health matters/habits, and in daily work. Where Saturn is concerned, discipline and hard work is rewarded, so it will be a good time to begin some healthy habits and smarter work systems. Let go of any unnecessary sacrifices, where your efforts are not rewarded or reciprocated. Be mindful of any conflicts with any cold, oppressive authority figures or employees. Be assertive around any unfair treatment, and detach emotionally when dealing with rigid people who lack empathy. It isn’t personal and you are better off just saving your energy and keeping any ‘enemies’ on side!
Jupiter moves into Cancer, its sign of exaltation June 9th. This will bring fortune and expansion into a new life area, this for you being the 9th house of higher learning/education, spirituality and overseas travel. This is very positive indeed for water sign Scorpio, with a trine to your sign! Jupiter spends a year here, possibly bringing an overseas holiday, a wise spiritual teacher or spiritual studies, or some high level education/study. You may also just expand your beliefs in general, becoming more open minded and wise, benefiting your wellbeing and mindset overall. Family blessings or healing could occur too, with the Moon’s sign Caner highlighted.
Pluto in Aquarius will be deconstructing to the deepest level, for a reset, a rebirth and a healing/renewal in the fixed signs over the next 20 years. This is a great time for Scorpio to delve into shadow work, psychology and astrology! Pluto brings the ‘gold’, riches, but also asks of us to let go and make a sacrifice, so that only what is true, what is authentic at the soul remains. Empowerment and a total transformation of character is the reward, for those brave enough to take the dark journey into the depths of the underworld (Scorpio is made for this!) Be patient with yourself along this long, ongoing process of self understanding around your deepest fears, triggers and core wounding from the past. Support from a therapist or healer could be a good idea. Take your time, be patient, and develop self compassion, remember this is a long, slow transit and we will never be totally healed as humans, and this enables us to experience beautifully deep, healing connections with others who have shared experiences. The focus and dramatic change (some endings, purging or releasing too) is occurring in your home, family, parents, and ancestral roots. You may start a family or move house, which transforms your whole world. New family traditions could begin with death of grandparents (or elderly parents), and/or new births.
Finally, eclipses are also going to occur in Pisces and Virgo (March and September), where the nodes of fate are about to move to. Virgo rules your 11th house of friends, groups and goals, and Pisces rules your house of children, romance, fun and creativity. These earth and water signs are in harmony with Scorpio, so there will likely be some fortunate changes, new connections, destined meetings or events, and new beginnings in these life areas. After all of the backward movement of the retrogrades, and shadow work with years of eclipses, Mars can expect some nice rewards if they have grown, stayed true to their heart and soul, and integrated the lessons. Mars’ signs are turning over a new leaf, beginning a new cycle, with the final Solar eclipse happening in a Mars sign (March 29th) for a long time.